💸Fiat to Crypto ramp
Buy Crypto with Fiat (Bank account, Debit or Credit cards)
Assuredly, this is a typical question on almost everyone's mind: Is there a platform that provides fiat withdrawal at minimal to no fees?
Only a few centralized exchanges (CEXs) enabled investors to on- and off-ramp in 2017, and those that did also imposed high fees. P2P exchanges and other alternatives also carried the potential of fraud.
As the cryptocurrency market developed, an increasing number of exchanges and DeFi businesses began providing Fiat to crypto services. We are pleased to announce that BITNOU and Onramper have teamed up to give users with traditional fiat currencies direct access to Onramper for fiat-to-digital currencies. Onramper is well-known for Driving fiat-to-crypto payments for 100+ leading brands.
This partnership aligns with BITNOU's mission to help Drive Financial Inclusion in the Caribbean and Accelerate DeFi Globally.
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